Managing Your Company's Users

The Users page displays a list of the users from your company who have access to FedConnect as either a vendor representative or a vendor administrator. From the Users page vendor administrators can also access the Add User page, the Admin Tools page, the User Info page, and the Notifications page, all of which are related to vendor user data in FedConnect. The search feature is the only function available to a vendor representative on the Users page.



Sign in as a vendor administrator | Company Profile | Users

The following picture illustrates how the Users page might look. Your results might vary.

Users Page for Vendor Admin

Searching for an Existing User

You might have dozens or even hundreds of users stored in the FedConnect database. Therefore you have the ability to search through the list of your company's users for an existing user on the Users page.


User Search Fields and Descriptions
Field Description

First Name

In the First Name field, type the first name of the user for whom you are searching.

Last Name

In the Last Name field, type the last name of the user for whom you are searching.


In the Email field, type the email address of the user for whom you are searching.


In the Status field, choose the way in which you want to limit the search results by user status.

  • Select Active to limit the list of users to only those whose status in FedConnect is active.
  • Select Inactive to limit the list of users to only those whose status in FedConnect is inactive.
  • Select Pending to limit the list of users to only those whose status in FedConnect is pending
  • Select Rejected to limit the list of users to only those whose status in FedConnect is rejected.
  • Select All to not limit the list of users based on the users' statuses in FedConnect.

In the Roles field, choose the way in which you want to limit the search results by user role.

  • Select Administrator to limit the list of users to those who are set up as Vendor Administrators.
  • Select Representative to limit the list of users to those who are set up as Vendor Representatives.
  • Select All to not limit the list of users based on the users' roles in FedConnect.

Additional user role descriptions might display if an opportunity or an award is related to the General Services Administration (GSA). For more information, jump to About User Roles in FedConnect.

About the Add User Page

As the vendor administrator, you have the ability to add new users to your company's profile. You can do so on the Add User page. When you add a new user you record the following data about him or her:



Sign in as a vendor administrator | Company Profile | Users | Add

The following picture illustrates how the Add User page might look. Your results might vary.

Add User Page



When you type the user's name in the First name and Last name fields and then navigate out of those fields, PRISM automatically pre-fills the Display name (First, Last), and Display name (Last, First) fields, but you can change them if necessary.

About the Admin Tools Page

As a vendor administrator, you have the ability to set up other existing FedConnect users as either vendor administrators or vendor representatives. Vendor administrators have the ability to edit the company's information in FedConnect®. Vendor representatives are users who have contact with the various agencies that use FedConnect.



You cannot change your own user role or your own status. Another vendor administrator must do this for you.

Some of the vendor administrator's privileges include:

On the Admin Tools page, in addition to changing a user's role, you can also:



Sign in as a vendor administrator | Company Profile | Users | select a user | click the user's name in either the First Name or Last Name column

The following picture illustrates how the Admin Tools page might look. Your results might vary.

Admin Tools Page

User Roles

User roles are available for GSA-related opportunities and awards. For more information, jump to About User Roles in FedConnect.

Changing a User's Status

Use the Status field on the Admin Tools page to change a user's status. The following list describes each status and explains when to use each:

Resetting a User's Password

As a vendor administrator, you have the ability to reset an existing user's password. Use the Reset Password button on the Admin Tools page to do so.

After you reset the user's password, an email containing the user's new FedConnect password is sent to the email address listed in his or her user profile. The user must use this new password the next time he or she signs in to FedConnect.



Upon signing in to FedConnect using the temporary password he or she receives via email, the user will be required to change his or her password to a permanent password.

Resetting Your Own Password

As a vendor administrator, you can reset your own FedConnect passwords. After you do so, an email containing the new FedConnect password is sent to the email address listed in your user profile. You should use this new password the next time you signs in to FedConnect.

You can reset your own password either via the Admin Tools page, or the My Profile link.



If you use the Admin Tools page to reset your password, FedConnect sends you an email with your temporary password, and you are required to establish a permanent password the first time you sign in to the FedConnect®.

If you use the My Profile link to change your password in your user profile, you are not required to sign in with a temporary password and then establish a new permanent password the first time you sign in to FedConnect. To find out more about managing your user profile, including your password, jump to Managing Your User Profile.

Adding Comments to a User's Profile

As a vendor administrator, can add comments to a user's profile. While you can add comments about anything, the intended use of the comments feature is to enable you to record changes made to the user's profile, for future reference.

Deleting an Existing User

As the vendor administrator, you have the ability to delete a user from your company's profile. Deleting a user does not prevent you from adding that user to your company profile again at a later date.



Sign in as a vendor administrator | Company Profile | Users | select a user and click the X in the [Delete] column | at the prompt, click OKf